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Chartered on April 5, 1946, the Audubon FFA chapter has had a long history of providing the best in agricultural education, leadership experiences, and life skills.  As the national organization began to grow, so did the chapter.  In 2010, Brittany Elmquist took the position as the vocational agriculture instructor at Audubon Community Schools.  That year, the chapter started offering FFA to 8th graders, and chapter numbers grew instantly.  We are currently one of the largest chapters in the Southwest District in Iowa.

In the past years, the Audubon has had many Career Development Events compete at the Subdistrict, District, and State levels.  The chapter has also sent CDE's to the National FFA Convention, the most recent being creed speaker Anna Campbell, who made the semi-finals and placed in the top 16, receiving a silver. 
Our members have also represented us at the local, district, and state levels by holding offices, serving on committees, and participating in non-CDE activities. The most recent Audubon member to serve as a district officer was Collin Bauer (2023 graduate), who served as the Southwest District Vice President the past two years. We also had Drew Christensen (2014-2015 school year) and Emily Campbell serve as the District Reporter during the 2016-2017 school year. We were also represented at the state level by Logan Bauer (2014 graduate) as Southwest Vice President for the state association during the 2014-15 school year.
A select group of members was also involved in a very unique service project at the global level.  In the winter of 2018 eight members, Mrs. Elmquist and her husband, and Dennis Anderson of GoServe Global traveled to Hati where they built a for a Haitian family out of a Sukup grain bin. This was the 300th Sukup SafeT Home put up by GoServe Global. They also spent time at an orphanage and made some monetary donations. Paul, a child at the orphanage, was named an honorary Audubon FFA member at the 2019 Audubon FFA Banquet. Dennis Anderson was named an honorary member as well. 
In addition to many awards and representatives, our chapter has one special attribute that no other chapter has, had, or will receive.  In 1964, former Audubon FFA member Ed Weiderstein received the 1,000,000th jacket ever made at the 37th National FFA Convention in Kansas City, MO.
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Advisor Brittany Elmquist



Advisor Andy VanAerman



Audubon Community Schools

800 Third Ave

Audubon, Iowa 50025

  • Audubon FFA

© 2020 Audubon FFA 



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