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Founded in 1928, FFA offers a hands-on and classroom experience. There are currently almost 250 Iowa FFA Chapters thanks to the Iowa Department of Education. These chapters offer valuable, real-world agricultural experience to 15,644 Iowa middle and high school FFA members. FFA and ag education teaches several non-agricultural skills as well, including communications, business, marketing, teamwork, and leadership. 


The world is facing many agricultural challenges that need the help of young agriculturalists. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) predicts a 60% increase in the demand for milk, meat, and eggs by 2050. It currently takes the world 1.5 years to regenerate annual consumption, forcing farmers to produce more with fewer resources. With all of these problems arising, the world needs assistance.


Agriculture is a growing career field that includes 235 unique careers. As the need to feed a growing population continues, the number of job opportunities in agriculture will continue to rise. 















Information courtesy of the Iowa FFA Association and the Iowa Council on Agricultural Education, images courtesy of WIX 


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