Our chapter strives to offer the best experiences and opportunities to our members. Some of those opportunities are beyond the local level. Below are those activities:
State Leadership/Ag Skills CDEs
National Leadership/Ag Skills CDEs
SLC Chapter Display contest
Greenhand Fire-up
District Leadership Camp (COLT)
Official State/District Delegates
State/National FFA Band
State/National FFA Chorus
State FFA Talent
State FFA National Anthem contest
State FFA Academic Achievement
SLC FFA Courtesy Corps
District/State Officer Candidate
Washington Leadership Conference
212 & 360 Conferences
FFA Agriscience Fair
FFA Scholarship Program
FFA Tractor Restoration
National FFA Convention and Expo
National Courtesy Corps
National Convention Delegates
ISF FFA Beef Show
ISF FFA Dairy Cattle Show
ISF FFA Dairy Goat Show
ISF FFA Horse Show
ISF FFA Rabbit Show
ISF FFA Sheep Show
ISF FFA Swine Show
ISF FFA Showmanship Award
ISF FFA Ag Mech. Technology Show
ISF FFA Dem. and Working Displays
ISF FFA Floriculture Show
ISF FFA Horticulture Show
ISF FFA Photography Show
ISF FFA State Exhibit
ISF FFA Grandstand Ushers
ISF FFA Stage Attendants
ISF FFA Show Student Workers
FFA Legislative Symposium
WFP Iowa Agricultural Youth Institute
GROWMARK Essay Contest
Proficiency Award
NWMSU Fall CDE competition
Meals from the Heartland Annual Hunger Fight
College Representative visits
Haiti Trip